We're Glad You're Here!
If this is your first time at CBC, welcome to our church family!
Every person is on a quest. A quest to find ultimate
meaning, purpose, identity, and relationship.
CBC is a community of believers who have found the truth that has set them free in the name of one person: Jesus Christ. Our desire now is to BE the church NOT simply attend church. Christ said, "I will build my church" and our hearts burn with a loving passion for Him who has forgiven our sins and welcomed us into His family by faith. This personal relationship with Jesus is the foundation upon which all relationships are rightly understood and built. With God's Word as our guide, we strive to love Him with all our heart and declare that love by how we care for one another and all people.
What can you expect?
What is the congregational music like?
PracticaL Bible Teaching

Smiling Faces

A Place to Belong

Our Vision

Knowing Christ Jesus as Our Lord and Savior and living our lives for Him.
Growing in our love and knowledge of God and growing in love for our neighbors.
Going into all the world and sharing the Gospel of Christ in our community and beyond.
Community Baptist Church is a community of Christ-followers cultivating a passion for God by loving Him supremely and others intentionally.
Our Values

Authentic Love FOr Jesus
Our first value is about our real love for Jesus Christ. The Christian life is a call to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose from the grave for his people. One of our responses to that great work is to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Matthew 22:37).

Genuine Love for others
God has loved us by giving his Son for us, and now his love has been poured into our heart. One of the evidences of his love for us is our love for others. At Community Baptist Church, people are not nuisances or interruptions. They are objects of our love and care just as they are for God himself (1 John 3:11).

joyful worship
In the Bible, worship refers to the activity of lifting praise to God that happens in a specific time and place, and it also refers to an entire lifestyle where all our lives are given over to Jesus Christ. At Community Baptist Church, we take both forms of worship seriously, and we are committed to doing that with hearts full of joy (Psalm 100:1-2).

passion for our community
Throughout Scripture, God is described as doing his work in cities. God has placed us in the great town of New Prague,MN, and we are asking him to do a great work in this town. Our call to serve Jesus in New Prague fuels our love for this town. As a church, we want to love our town, serve it, and make kingdom investments in it (Acts 14:21).